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Levels of Performance


NOVICE dancers are NEW to performing and competing anywhere. Dancers will compete ONE time at this level for each competitive dance style.

Intermediate One

.INTERMEDIATE dancers have competed at OSSDF; have MORE than 1 year and LESS than 3 years of training with the secondary dance course curriculum; and/or, have LESS than 2 years experience with other dance competitions.

Intermediate Two

INTERMEDIATE dancers have competed at OSSDF; have MORE than 1 year and LESS than 3 years of training with the secondary dance course curriculum; and/or , have MORE than 2 years experience with other dance competitions.

Advanced One

ADVANCED dancers have extensive training from a private dance studio and/or MORE than 3 years of any competition experience.

Advanced Two

ADVANCED dancers have extensive training from a private dance studio and/or MORE than 4 years of any competition experience.




One Person – 2 minutes, maximum


Two People – 2 minutes and thirty seconds, maximum


Three People – 2 minutes and thirty seconds, maximum

Small Group

Four to Nine People – three minutes, maximum

Medium Group

Ten to Fifteen People – three minutes, maximum

Large Group

Sixteen+ People – 3 minutes and thirty seconds, maximum

Important Information for DANCEFEST '21

Important note for dance entries for OSSDF 2021:
• To keep the spirit and likeness as performing on stage, dancers have to be filmed in the same space using one camera.
• No editing of videos is allowed.
• Masks are mandatory for all dancers and entry submissions, including solos. Think of it as a costume piece, you can decorate and design it!
• Please see Tips for Video Submission sheet provided for more information; found under the Registration page.
• Entries exceeding time limits will be adjudicated but ineligible to receive awards.
• Solo submissions are open to all grades, no longer just for graduates.
• A maximum of 2 solos per dancer is to be submitted.
• Due to classroom restrictions, there will be no large group or production categories.
• Creative Collaboration submission is only one per school.